Shipboard Safety Officer Course
Course Objective

To enable the participants to understand, interpret and apply the provisions of the requirements of becoming and acting as a Safety officer on board the vessel in line with the Code of Safe working Practices

Two days

About the course

This is a designed in such a manner that the Officers doing this course they will be able to perform on board as a Safety officer in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Code of Safe working Practices. The Module is split up in four modules – Module 1 covering the roles and responsibility of the Safety office acting as the Secretary to the safety committee meeting. Module 2 shall cover the Fundamentals of Risk Assessment and Risk Management which monitoring on board for each operations is the responsibility of the safety officer. Module 3 covers the requirements of incident investigation in accordance with IMO Model course 3.11 as well as in line with IMO Resolution A.849 (20) which will cover the basic principles of evidence collection. Sequel to the evidence collection is the Root cause Analysis which is covered in the Module 4.
This course will also cover the requirements of OILL MAJORS to be qualified in Risk Assessment as per element4, 6,7 and 9 of TMSA Lastly it will also cover the requirements of TMSA element 8 which states the senior officer to be trained in INCIDENT INVESTIGATION and ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS and to be involved in same while implementing level 3


The entry standards are one who is a serving officer on board the vessel having knowledge in the maritime operations and /or a mariner to develop skills in effectively working with Safety